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The Protocol

Information and video demonstration for speech pathologists

NADIIA is a multilevel intervention that integrates robust therapies for words and sentences into naturalistic discourse contexts (e.g. giving opinions, story-telling, explaining). While targeting language abilities that are used in the everyday communication of daily life, NADIIA simultaneously draws on the cognitive underpinnings of language, e.g. planning, sequencing, prioritising, taking both a metalinguistic and a metacognitive approach. Discourse frameworks provide a scaffold for the different types of speaking (genre) needed to communicate every day. These are coupled with highly salient, individualised topics that are intended to create a bridge to improve communication in daily life.



The principles of NADIIA

​NADIIA is based on a set of principles. These are the critical ingredients that the clinician carries out as part of therapy:

  1. Integration of multiple language levels (words, sentences, macrostructure) into the planning and production of each discourse topic discussed in the therapy session. 

  2. An interactive approach with errorless learning techniques encouraged. While trial and error occurs at all levels, error-free production is supported through writing responses, and error reduction supported through modelling.

  3. Lexical items and topics driven by topic and interest; not predetermined by clinician.

  4. Explicit instruction of individualized lexical strategies where appropriate/needed.

  5. Retrieval of nouns, verbs, and adjectives to increase access to syntactic structures and semantic associations.

  6. Explicit instruction of sentence frameworks for lexical selection.

  7. Explicit instruction of discourse frameworks (organizational maps) for each of the four discourse genres. These are (1) narrative (2) recounts (3) procedures and (4) opinions. Each genre has a unique structure, based around ‘story grammar’, but with similarities that can be loosely divided into ‘beginning’, ‘middle’ and ‘end’.

  8. Explicit instruction of the cognitive processes of planning, organising, and monitoring of discourse.

  9. Use of visual mind maps of discourse frameworks (organisational maps) which can be faded out – but always provide a reference point.

  10. Consistent evaluation using visual rating scales to promote self-monitoring.


The most recent version of the NADIIA protocol (Whitworth & Cartwright, 2020) is available here. This protocol includes options for both individual and group delivery.




A video demonstration of some key elements

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